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发布时间: 2020-10-26 浏览次数:

时间 论文名称 期刊名称 教师 级别 备注
2019 Asymptotic state estimation for   linear systems with sensor and actuator faults SCIENCE CHINA   Information Sciences 杨辉 中国科学
2019 Multi-target   tracking control for coupled heterogeneous inertial agents systems based on   flocking behavior IEEE   Transactions on Systems Man Cybernetics-Systems 陈世明 SCI一区
2019 A battery   management strategy in microgrid for personalized customer requirements energy 陈鹏展 SCI一区
2019 Molecular   evolution based dynamic reconfiguration of distribution networks with DGs   considering three-phase balance and switching times IEEE   Transactions on Industrial Informatics 彭春华 SCI一区
2019 Deep   Architecture for High-Speed Railway Insulator Surface Defect Detection:   Denoising Autoencoder With Multitask Learning IEEE   TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT 康高强 SCI二区
2019 Constructing   Chaotic System With Multiple Coexisting Attractors IEEE   Access 赖强 SCI二区 ESI高被引论文
2019 Hyperspectral/Multispectral   Reflectance Imaging Combining with Watershed Segmentation Algorithm for   Detection of Early Bruises on Apples with Different Peel Colors Food   Analytical Methods 罗微 SCI二区
2019 Rolling Bearings   Fault Diagnosis Based on Tree Heuristic Feature Selection and the Dependent   Feature Vector Combined with Rough Sets Applied   Sciences-Basel 陈晓玥 SCI三区
2019 Distortion   correction method of a zoom lens based on vanishing point geometric   constraint Measurement   Science and Technology 祝振敏 SCI三区
2019 Analysis and   control of multiple attractors in Sprott B system Chaos,   Solitons and Fractals 赖强 SCI三区
2019 Modeling and   Design of Diffuse Transmissive free-form Surface Based on LED Collimation   Effect Optics   and Laser Technology 祝振敏 SCI三区
2019 A novel RFID   multi-tag anti-collision protocol for dynamic vehicle identification PLOS   ONE 屈志坚 SCI三区
2019 leader-followiing   scaled consensus of second-order multi-agent systems under directed   topologies International   Journal of Systems Science 陈世明 SCI三区
2019 Controllable   containment control of multi-agent systems based on hierarchical clustering International   Journal of Control 陈世明 SCI三区
2019 Stretchable   bio-potential electrode with self-similar serpentine structure for   continuous, long-term, stable ECG recordings Biomedical   Microdevices 董文涛 SCI三区
2019 Hybrid Precoding   for mmWave Massive MIMO Systems with Different Antenna Arrays China   Communications 丁青锋 SCI三区
2019 Performance   analysis of mixed-ADC receiver multiuser massive MIMO relaying system under   imperfect CSI IET   Communications 丁青锋 SCI收录
2019 A Hybridization   of Cuckoo Search and Differential Evolution for the Logistics Distribution   Center Location Problem Mathematical   Problems in Engineering 池瑞 SCI收录
2019 Study on the   orientation detection of surface cracks by electromagnetic acoustic emission International   Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks 蔡智超 SCI收录
2019 Spectral-Energy   Efficiency Tradeoff in Mixed-ADC Massive MIMO Uplink with Imperfect CSI Chinese   journal of electronics 丁青锋 SCI收录
2018 Receiver Energy   Efficiency and Resolution Profile Design for Massive MIMO Uplink with   Mixed-ADC IEEE   Transactions on Vehicular Technology 丁青锋 SCI二区
2018 Observer-based   event-triggered tracking consensus of non-ideal general linear multi-agent   systems Journal   of the Franklin Institute 陈世明 SCI二区
2018 Modified hybrid   modulation strategy with power balance control for H-bridge hybrid cascaded   seven-level inverter IET   Power Electronics 叶满园 SCI二区
2018 Compressive   strength prediction of recycled concrete based on deep learning Construction   and Building MATERIALS 邓芳明 SCI二区
2018 Outage   Probability Analysis and Resolution Profile Design for Massive MIMO Uplink   With Mixed-ADC IEEE   Transactions on Wireless Communications 丁青锋 SCI二区
2018 Camera   calibration method based on optimal polarization angle Optics   and Lasers in Engineering 祝振敏 SCI二区
2018 A New Chaotic   System with Multiple Attractors: Dynamic Analysis, Circuit Realization and   S-Box Design Entropy 赖强 SCI三区
2018 Coexisting   attractors and circuit implementation of a new 4D chaotic system with two   equilibria Chaos,   Solitons and Fractals 赖强 SCI三区 ESI高被引论文
2018 Path Planning   Strategy for Vehicle Navigation Based on User Habits APPLIED   SCIENCES-BASEL 陈鹏展 SCI三区
2018 Robustness   analysis of interdependent networks under multiple-attacking strategies Physica   A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 高彦丽 SCI三区
2018 Fractal   serpentine-shaped design for stretchable wireless strain sensors Applied   Physics A: Materials Science and Processing 董文涛 SCI三区
2018 Control energy   of complex networks towards distinct mixture states Scientific   Reports 聂森 SCI三区
2018 Dynamic   analysis, circuit realization, control design and image encryption   application of an extended Lü system with coexisting attractors Chaos,   Solitons and Fractals 赖强 SCI三区
2018 Monostability,   bistability, periodicity and chaos in gene regulatory network European   Physical Journal- Special Topics 赖强 SCI三区
2018 Controllability   of heterogeneous interdependent group systems under undirected and directed   topology Chinese   Physics. B 裴惠琴 SCI三区
2018 Design of   high-efficient TIR lens for tailored illumination with high contrast Optics   and Laser Technology 祝振敏 SCI三区
2018 Dynamic   analyses, FPGA implementation and engineering applications of multi-butterfly   chaotic attractors generated from generalised Sprott C system Pramana-Journal   of Physics 赖强 SCI收录
2018 RFID 3D-LANDMARC   Localization Algorithm Based on Quantum Particle Swarm Optimization Electronics 吴翔 SCI收录
2018 高光谱成像技术鉴别鱼新鲜度 光谱学与光谱分析 章海亮 SCI收录
2018 A Self-Powered   RFID Sensor Tag for Long-Term Temperature Monitoring in Substation Journal   of Electrical Engineering and Technology 陈忠斌 SCI收录
2018 Nonlinear   Electromagnetic Acoustic Testing Method for Tensile Damage Evaluation Journal   of Sensors 蔡智超 SCI收录
2018 Proximity   Capacitance Array Sensor Based on Data Aggregation Strategy for Rainfall   Detection Sensors   and Materials 陈鹏展 SCI收录
2018 Theoretical and   experimental study of tape transfer printing for stretchable electronic   fabrication Journal   of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology 董文涛 SCI收录
2018 Stability and   bifurcation of delayed bidirectional gene regulatory networks with negative   feedback loops Chinese   Journal of Physics 赖强 SCI收录
2018 Voltage-fed   Push-Pull PWM Converter Featuring Wide ZVS Range and Low Circulating Loss   with Simple Auxiliary Circuit Journal   of Power Electronics 叶满园 SCI收录
2018 The sparse least   square support vector regression for estimating illumination chromaticity Color   Research and Application 祝振敏 SCI收录
2018 Measuring   temporal and spatial travel efficiency for transit route system using   low-frequency bus automatic vehicle location data Advances   in Mechanical Engineering 杨丰萍 SCI收录
2018 Five-level LLC   resonant converter suitable for wide output voltage range Electronics   Letters 袁义生 SCI收录
2018 Research on   Eddy-Current Testing of Functional Polymer Composite Material IEEE   Transactions on Magnetics 蔡智超 SCI收录
2018 Dynamic analysis   and synchronization control of an unusual chaotic system with exponential   term and coexisting attractors Chinese   Journal of Physics 赖强 SCI收录
2018 Design of a   slotted chipless RFID humidity sensor tag Sensors   and Actuators, B: Chemical 邓芳明 SCI一区
2018 Optimization for   the Following Operation of a High-Speed Train Under the Moving Block System IEEE   Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 杨辉 SCI一区
2017 A UWB/Improved   PDR Integration Algorithm Applied to Dynamic Indoor Positioning for   Pedestrians Sensors 陈鹏展 SCI二区
2017 Various Types of   Coexisting Attractors in a New 4D Autonomous Chaotic System International   Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 赖强 SCI二区 ESI高被引论文
2017 MIMO evolution   model-based coupled fault estimation and adaptive control with high-speed   train applications IEEE   Transactions on Control Systems Technology 张坤鹏 SCI二区
2017 The design of   diffuse reflective off-axis surface for non-circular LED arrays IEEE   Photonics Journal 祝振敏 SCI三区
2017 Rectangular   illumination based on diffuse reflective off-axis surface IEEE   Photonics Journal 祝振敏 SCI三区
2017 Research on   power quality control of coal mine power grid AGRO   FOOD INDUSTRY HI-TECH 徐祥征 SCI收录
2017 应用遗传算法结合连续投影算法近红外光谱检测土壤有机质研究 光谱学与光谱分析 章海亮 SCI收录
2017 Energy   Collection and Measurement of Power of the Movement of the Human Body IETE   Journal of Research 陈鹏展 SCI收录
2017 Multiple   operating mode ANFIS modelling for speed control of HSEMU IET   Intelligent Transport Systems 杨辉 SCI收录
2017 A direct MRAC   based multivariable multiple-model switching control scheme Automatica 谭畅 SCI一区
2017 Multi-ANFIS   Model Based Synchronous Tracking Control of High-Speed Electric Multiple Unit IEEE   Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 杨辉 SCI一区
2016 Combined fuzzy   based feedforward and bubble size distribution based feedback control for   reagent dosage in copper roughing process journal   of process control 朱建勇 SCI二区
2016 Multiple-model   predictive control for component content of CePr/Nd countercurrent extraction   process Information   Sciences 杨辉 SCI二区
2016 Online   Regulation of High Speed Train Trajectory Control Based on T-S Fuzzy Bilinear   Model IEEE   Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 杨辉 SCI二区
2016 A multiple-model   MRAC scheme for multivariable systems with matching uncertainties Information   Sciences 谭畅 SCI二区
2016 Multistability   and bifurcation in a delayed neural network Neurocomputing 赖强 SCI二区
2016 Real-time   optimal control of tracking running for high-speed electric multiple unit Information   Sciences 杨辉 SCI二区
2016 Promoting   cooperation through fast response to defection in spatial games New   Journal of Physics 王旭文 SCI二区
2016 Generating   multiple chaotic attractors from Sprott B system International   Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 赖强 SCI二区 ESI高被引、热点论文
2016 Cooperation   transition of spatial public goods games Journal   of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 王旭文 SCI二区
2016 Cooperation in   spatial evolutionary games with historical payoffs Physics   Letters A 王旭文 SCI三区
2016 Role of   delay-based reward in the spatial cooperation physica   A-statistical mechanics and its applications 王旭文 SCI三区
2016 Robustness of   network controllability in cascading failure physica   A-statistical mechanics and its applications 陈世明 SCI三区
2016 便携式短波近红外光谱仪器检测土壤总氮含量研究 光谱学与光谱分析 章海亮 SCI收录
2016 基于UV-Vis检测养殖水体中化学需氧量含量研究 光谱学与光谱分析 王晓明 SCI收录
2016 Research on a   new 3D autonomous chaotic system with coexisting attractors OPTIK 赖强 SCI收录 ESI高被引论文
2016 Chaos,   bifurcation, coexisting attractors and circuit design of a three-dimensional   continuous autonomous system OPTIK 赖强 SCI收录
2016 Coexisting   attractors generated from a new 4D smooth chaotic system International   Journal of Control, Automation and Systems 赖强 SCI收录
2016 PCA和SPA的近红外光谱识别白菜种子品种研究 光谱学与光谱分析 罗微 SCI收录
2016 human motion   capture algorithm based on inertial sensors Jounal   of sensors 陈鹏展 SCI收录
2016 Coexistence of   multiple attractors in a new chaotic system Acta   Physica Polonica B 赖强 SCI收录
2016 Flexible robust   optimization dispatch for hybrid wind/photovoltaic/hydro/thermal power system IEEE   Transactions on Smart Grid 彭春华 SCI一区
2016 Low-temperature   cataluminescence sensor for sulfur hexafluoride utilizing coral like Zn-doped   SnO2 composite Sensors   and Actuators B Chemical 邓芳明 SCI一区
2015 A CMOS Pressure   Sensor Tag Chip for Passive Wireless Applications Sensors 邓芳明 SCI二区
2015 Design of an   Embedded CMOS Temperature Sensor for Passive RFID Tag Chips Sensors 邓芳明 SCI二区
2015 The design of   diffuse reflective free-form surface for indirect illumination with high   efficiency and uniformity IEEE   Photonics Journal 祝振敏 SCI二区
2015 Design of a   Humidity Sensor Tag for Passive Wireless Applications Sensors 吴翔 SCI二区
2015 Uncovering   cooperative behaviors with sparse historical behavior data in the spatial   games Applied   Mathematics and Computation 王旭文 SCI二区
2015 multi-target   consensus circle pursuit for multi-agent systems via a distributed   multi-flocking method International   Journal of Systems Science 陈世明 SCI二区
2015 Guaranteed cost   fault-tolerant control for networked control systems with sensor faults Mathematical   Problems in Engineering 朱其新 SCI三区
2015 The Cellular   Differential Evolution Based on Chaotic Local Search Mathematical   Problems in Engineering 丁青锋 SCI三区
2015 Multi-objective   operation optimization for electric multiple unit-based on speed restriction   mutation Neurocomputing 杨辉 SCI三区
2015 Controlling   complex networks with conformity behavior Europhysics   Letters 王旭文 SCI三区
2015 A Local flocking   algorithm of multi-agent dynamic systems International   Journal of Control 陈世明 SCI收录
2015 Fault Diagnosis   Method Based on Petri Nets in Consideration of Service Feature of information   source devices Computers   & Electrical Engineering 程宏波 SCI收录
2015 Big data   compression processing and verification based on Hive for smart substation Journal   of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy 屈志坚 SCI收录
2015 Dynamical   analysis of a new 3D chaotic system with coexisting attractors Acta   Physica Polonica B 赖强 SCI收录
2015 Robust fault   estimation for uncertain switched linear systems withtime-varying delay Journal   of Central South University of Technology (English Edition) 钟燕科 SCI收录
